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青苗PYP ∣让悦读成为一种信仰 让文学成为一种力量
2017-05-19 13:57:11




当然,好东西怎么可以缺少分享呢? 每年一度的“悦读周”上图书交换与图书捐献是必不可少的环节哟!除了同学之间的相互交换,青苗的孩子们还将爱心收集的图书通过六年级毕业展中的项目之一向非盈利组织MCF(打工子弟基金会)支持的孩子们发起捐助,予人玫瑰,手有余香,我们的存在就是为了让这个世界更美好! 
在此特别鸣谢顺义校区小学部Bec老师,中学部Irene老师,以及整个顺义校区的老师们,长期以来默默支持图书馆工作的家长志愿者们对“悦读周”的支持, 有了大家的付出,我们的“悦读周”才可以帮助更多的孩子分享悦读的乐趣,让更多的孩子可以体验朗读的感悟,延伸孩子们生命的长度,增加孩子们生命的厚度。感恩大家,你们的努力让青苗全年书香萦绕,悦读气氛充盈,让我们的孩子们可以过滤世界的纷繁嘈杂,达到更高的人生境界,获得与众不同的格局与视野。
Editor’s Note:
BIBS Shunyi Elementary School celebrated its second annual Literacy Week in early May.  Ms. Bec, BIBS Shunyi Primary librarian, was very kind to share with us the highlights of the Literacy Week.  It is so wonderful to see our young learners developing a fondness for reading with such engaging and fun literary activities.  We thank everyone involved for making the Literacy Week a huge success and for providing our children a great opportunity to explore the magic world of reading.
The second annual BIBS Shunyi Elementary School Literacy Week was a raging success!

Reading for *both* pleasure and to gain reading mastery is extremely important in creating a culture of reading in school as well as at home. It is often easier to focus narrowly on skill based reading as it is measurable to assess progress. However, the latest educational research all points to the fact that readers who have choice over reading material and who find great pleasure in reading learn to read faster! Therefore, Literacy Week was full of exciting activities designed to promote reading as a pleasurable and fun experience for all the family.
Here is a snapshot of our fabulous week…
On Tuesday, students were treated to five read aloud sessions by teachers in the ES library or out on the playground. Children learn to read by being read to so having the opportunity to hear stories read aloud in Chinese and English was a fantastic way to expand their vocabulary! The Reading Quotes Wall was also created. This was a space in the ES cafeteria where teachers and students shared their quotes about the importance of reading or lines from their favorite stories. 
Book donations started to be collected in readiness for the Book Swap at the end of the week. The Photo Booth was also introduced as another way of spreading excitement and fun around reading books. The students loved the opportunity to dress up with props and have their photos taken while reading a favorite book.
Along with more Read Alouds and book donations, Wednesday brought us the fun of the pajama party! Almost all the ES students (and teachers) came to school in their pajamas and enjoyed the treat of guest readers in either the library or cafeteria. This was followed by milk and cookies generously donated to us by the PTA.  Wednesday also saw teachers and principals participate in a very unusual event, the Continuous Reading Chair. From 8am until 4:30pm the comfy grey chair in the ES library was never empty of someone reading one of their favorite books! Ms. Bec even made a time lapse movie of the event so that everyone can see what a cool thing it was to do. Yet more teachers read aloud to students during all break times. 
On Thursday, students were treated to a “Book to Movie” morning. The lower and upper elementary students all got to choose from three different movies that started life as books. There are so many marvelous movie adaptations of books now!

All the students were excited about Friday where they had a chance to show off their amazing home-made costumes in the Book Character Parade! Students (and teachers!) thought hard about which characters they loved from story books. Everyone then did their best to recreate those characters by dressing up as them! During the whole school assembly, students showed off their creations to much applause and appreciation of their classmates, families and Friends of the Library judging panel. Winners from each class were awarded Obido gift vouchers to spend on brand new books at this week’s Obido book fair.

Thanks to the supervision of Ms. Irene (MSHS librarian) and volunteers from the Friends of the Library, students were given the chance to take new books home on Friday - for FREE! Students who had donated at least one book over the course of the week were able to swap their “Free Book Coupon” for a donated book at the Book Swap. Students who had donated more than five books also got a brand new book from Ms. Bec’s prize box! All remaining books at the end of the week were donated to the Migrant Children’s Foundation via one of the Grade 6 Exhibition group’s projects. 
What an action packed week in the ES, celebrating literacy! 
My heartfelt thanks to all the families, students and teachers who supported each and every event. Without everyone’s enthusiasm and willingness to be part of events, Literacy Week would not have been a success. 
Yours in reading,
Ms. Bec